Teachings of Pythagoras. Hylozoics.

Life View and World View. Some student's notes.
Archive for June 2017

Control of Consciousness

2017-06-19 by AR, tagged as fourth way, henry t. laurency, hylozoics

(The Way of Man, 3.16) Control of Consciousness

(3.16.1) Attention indicates the concentration of consciousness. Attention can be called the visual point of the self. The consciousness content of our envelopes of incarnation is determined by how we use our attention. Control of consciousness is control of attention and the most important factor of evolution.

(3.16.2) The self’s consciousness, the monad consciousness (attention) must be occupied. If it is not occupied with something essential, something that promotes consciousness development, then it must be something different, less useful, often useless, quite often harmful. Hobbies, amusements, etc., thus are only substitutes. The individual’s level of development appears in his choice of objects of his attention. There are physical, emotional, and mental interests. Anyone who has acquired control of thought decides himself what he will think of. Others are dominated by their illusions and fictions.

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2017-06-19 by AR, tagged as henry t. laurency, hylozoics

(The Way of Man, 3.19) Our Unique Mankind

(3.19.1) Mankind has not reached farther than that hatred rules between individuals, families, classes, nations, races, religions, the two sexes, etc. And then man is defined as a being equipped with reason. It is a very narrowly developed reason, exclusively concentrated on physical material reality. The consciousness aspect of existence is scarcely discovered yet. So-called psychology is a miserable business.

(3.19.2) Mankind could have been given all knowledge of life by its planetary hierarchy. In their striving after power men knew how to arrange their lives and banished their teachers of wisdom. During twelve thousand years we have reaped our own sowing.

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The Envelopes of the First Self (The Way of Man).

2017-06-18 by AR, tagged as fourth way, hylozoics

The Envelopes as Beings of Their Own. The Worlds of the First Self.

(3.2) Generals

(3.2.1) The four envelopes of incarnation – the organism, the etheric envelope, the emotional envelope, the mental envelope – which the monad is able to work with, are four mechanisms. In so far as the monad has been able to activate the molecules and molecular consciousness of these envelopes, the four envelopes function as one mechanism for the monad in the triad.

(3.2.2) The monad in the incarnated triad envelope makes use of its envelopes of incarnation as instruments of observation, apprehension, and expression.

(3.2.3) Man’s aura consists of four material envelopes: the etheric, emotional, mental, and the causal triad envelope. The aura makes up man’s total life from his birth to the end of his incarnation. The aura makes up the monad’s possibility of consciousness and the domain of the monad’s apprehension; it is the receiver of all impressions, subjective or objective, from the four worlds. The aura radiates energy and has in some people a magnetic effect. The colours of the aura indicate the individual’s level of development, especially the colours of the mental and emotional envelopes.

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2017-06-16 by AR, tagged as henry t. laurency, hylozoics

(The Way of Man, 1.52) Our Epoch

(1.52.1) Esoterics divides the history of the planet into zodiacal epochs of some 2500 years each. Every new zodiacal epoch brings with it other kinds of energies than the previous ones, energies from another constellation. The last 2500 years have constituted the Piscean zodiacal epoch and have simultaneously been the epoch of the sixth department. This information is valuable for those who are interested in esoteric astrology and departments. It explains much of the history of that epoch, an age of horror, the rule of barbarism with clans at the stage of barbarism in incarnation.

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On Studying Hylozoics

2017-06-16 by AR, tagged as henry t. laurency, hylozoics

What Hylozoics is. (The Way of Man, 1.44)

(1.44.1) Hylozoics is the only logically tenable world view, the only one acknowledged by esoteric science. It is the conception of reality that is common to all causal selves.

(1.44.2) Pythagoras, then a 46-self (essential self), was the first one to present hylozoics and to formulate it into a conceptual system, a mental system of knowledge. Pythagoras, now a 44-self, is the future world-teacher after Maitreya. His intention with his formulation of hylozoics was to lay the foundation of a mental world view and life view in agreement with reality; a tenable basis for mankind to build on in its research; a basis of necessary facts.

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Meaning and Goal of Life

2017-06-16 by AR, tagged as henry t. laurency, hylozoics

The Meaning and Goal of Life. (The Way of Man)

(1.36.1) The meaning of life is the consciousness development of the monads in the consciousness of ever higher kinds of matter of ever higher natural kingdoms. The goal of life is the omniscience and omnipotence of all monads in the whole cosmos.

(1.36.2) The monad develops through learning from its own experiences and reaping what it has sown in previous incarnations. Everything good and evil that the individual meets with is his own doing. Nothing can befall him that he has not himself merited. Injustice in any respect whatsoever is absolutely precluded. The saying “life is unjust” is a manner of speech of the ignorant of life and envious.

(1.36.3) In monads of repulsive basic tendency, development can take a wrong course, which appears already in parasitism of plants and in predacity of animals. In the lower kingdoms the monads by and large counteract development, disarranging the order of things, everything on their own responsibility. Unconscious and, to a still higher degree, conscious encroachment upon the monad’s inalienable, inviolable, divine freedom, limited by the equal right of all living beings, results in the struggle for existence and the cruelty of life.

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On the process of Manifestation

2017-06-14 by AR, tagged as henry t. laurency, hylozoics

The Great Process of Manifestation

(The Way of Man) 1.26 Manifestation
(1.26.1) What has of old been called “creation” is not one single act of creation but a continuous process, which in esoterics is called the “great process of manifestation”.

(1.26.2) The whole cosmos makes up one single continuous process of manifestation in which all monads participate with their consciousness expressions, unconsciously or consciously, involuntarily or voluntarily. The higher the world and kingdom the monad has attained, the higher the kind of consciousness it has acquired, the more the monad contributes to the process of manifestation.

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