Archive for December 2016
Christmas. Gnostic Symbols.
2016-12-18 by , tagged as
Knowledge of Life One. Gnostic Symbols.
(3.1.3) The entire New Testament is a compilation of these gnostic sayings. The gnostic authors of the gospels tried to popularize and in the form of novels to dramatize the gnostic symbols without betraying their true import.
Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation
2016-12-03 by , tagged as
Concentration. Meditation. Contemplation. By Lars Adelskogh.
Fundamentals of LT4: (5.1) Concentration is the ability of the monad to direct its attention. Meditation is the ability of the monad to direct its attention continuously. Contemplation is the ability of the monad to direct its attention continuously and to simultaneously move its waking consciousness to a higher envelope.