On Studying Hylozoics
What Hylozoics is. (The Way of Man, 1.44)
(1.44.1) Hylozoics is the only logically tenable world view, the only one acknowledged by esoteric science. It is the conception of reality that is common to all causal selves.
(1.44.2) Pythagoras, then a 46-self (essential self), was the first one to present hylozoics and to formulate it into a conceptual system, a mental system of knowledge. Pythagoras, now a 44-self, is the future world-teacher after Maitreya. His intention with his formulation of hylozoics was to lay the foundation of a mental world view and life view in agreement with reality; a tenable basis for mankind to build on in its research; a basis of necessary facts.
(1.44.3) Hylozoics is the system that gives the most exact description possible of reality with its three aspects: the matter aspect, the motion aspect (energy aspect, will aspect), and the consciousness aspect. Hylozoics is the very basis of the conception of the three aspects of reality.
(1.44.4) The hylozoic system is presented in KofR 1.4–41 with the reality concepts of modern science (popularized, if you like).
(1.44.5) Only in our time did it become possible to publicize the hylozoic system of knowledge. What the history of philosophy has told about Pythagoras and “what Pythagoras taught” thus is part of legend as are most things told in history. The history of the world we study is the opinions of historians constructed on insufficient facts as well as legends. Past events can be researched only by causal and higher selves.
(1.44.6) Hylozoics is the firm basis, the only basis, of any knowledge. Until this fact has been generally realized and recognized, mankind will grope in the dark and remain irremediably disoriented. The learned may then say what they like. Probably it will be a long time yet before they admit their ignorance of life and the fictitiousness of their hypotheses.
(1.44.7) Hylozoics affords us a vision of existence and its meaning. It liberates us from the fictionalism of theology and philosophy. It clarifies that science is limited to mere physical existence. In practical respect hylozoics prepares us for the service of life in all its forms, the striving after knowledge and wisdom, the acquisition of loving understanding of all, the realization of truly human relations.
(1.44.8) Hylozoics is a gift from the planetary hierarchy, from the individuals of the fifth natural kingdom. They are the only ones who have a knowledge of reality, whatever spiritualists or occultists say. No individual in the worlds of man can by himself acquire a knowledge of reality. If he possesses such a knowledge, then he has received it from the planetary hierarchy. If he has not received it from the hierarchy, then it is no true knowledge.