Meaning and Goal of Life
The Meaning and Goal of Life. (The Way of Man)
(1.36.1) The meaning of life is the consciousness development of the monads in the consciousness of ever higher kinds of matter of ever higher natural kingdoms. The goal of life is the omniscience and omnipotence of all monads in the whole cosmos.
(1.36.2) The monad develops through learning from its own experiences and reaping what it has sown in previous incarnations. Everything good and evil that the individual meets with is his own doing. Nothing can befall him that he has not himself merited. Injustice in any respect whatsoever is absolutely precluded. The saying “life is unjust” is a manner of speech of the ignorant of life and envious.
(1.36.3) In monads of repulsive basic tendency, development can take a wrong course, which appears already in parasitism of plants and in predacity of animals. In the lower kingdoms the monads by and large counteract development, disarranging the order of things, everything on their own responsibility. Unconscious and, to a still higher degree, conscious encroachment upon the monad’s inalienable, inviolable, divine freedom, limited by the equal right of all living beings, results in the struggle for existence and the cruelty of life.
(1.36.4) The fault is not with life that the individual at lower stages of development in his almost total ignorance of life makes mistakes about almost every one of the laws of nature and laws of life.
(1.36.5) According to the fundamental axiom of esoterics, there are laws in everything and everything is expressive of law. Anyone who possesses knowledge of all worlds is omniscient. Omnipotence and freedom are possible only through absolutely faultless application of all the laws.
(1.36.6) Everything is divine for everything has been formed by the highest beings in order to enable the monads to acquire ever higher kinds of consciousness. The monads are potentially divine and will some time be actually divine. The guarantee of this is their unlosable share in the cosmic total consciousness. Nobody can be lost definitively. Everybody will reach the final goal of life sooner or later.
(1.36.7) The individual will be fully conscious of his potential divinity only when he has entered unity, the consciousness of community of the essential (46) world, and experiences that all monads are one because of their share in the total consciousness: all have the same origin and all will reach the same goal. All will, when they have entered the fifth and higher kingdoms, live in order that the meaning of life be realized, live to help others to reach higher.
(1.36.8) The cosmos has been formed for the purpose that all unconscious primordial atoms (monads), which have been introduced into the cosmos and then make it up, will through the process of manifestation reach final omniscience and omnipotence. The monads cannot acquire omniscience and omnipotence without help. The whole cosmos with its involution and evolution has come about for the monads’ sake. We receive help for our development. The whole cosmos is divine, since its meaning and goal are divine. This is the basic view on existence afforded by esoterics.