More information about H. T. Laurency's Books.
Here is a list of available works in English, with description of their contents, that are linked to the full book.
(1) The Knowledge of Reality ➤
(2) The Philosopher's Stone ➤
(3) The Way of Man ➤
(4) Knowledge of Life One ➤
(5) Knowledge of Life Two ➤
(6) Knowledge of Life Three ➤
(7) Knowledge of Life Four ➤
(8) Knowledge of Life Five ➤
These other books, for no particular reason:
** Buddhism: The Word of the Buddha. Published in 1907. The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, by the Buddha, according to tradition. ➤
** Charles Webster Leadbeater. Some statements of interest, etc can be found in this book: A fragment from "How Theosophy came to me", linking Pythagorean teachings, theosophy, etc. ➤
** A Basic Esoteric Dictionary. This Dictionary is a copy of the original at the main site It has been copied instead of redirecting to it due to technical difficulties.