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Meaning of Existence. Pythagorean Hylozoics.

More information about H. T. Laurency's Books.
Here is a list of available works in English, with description of their contents, that are linked to the full book.
(1) The Knowledge of Reality
(2) The Philosopher's Stone
(3) The Way of Man
(4) Knowledge of Life One
(5) Knowledge of Life Two
(6) Knowledge of Life Three
(7) Knowledge of Life Four
(8) Knowledge of Life Five

These other books, for no particular reason:

** Buddhism: The Word of the Buddha. Published in 1907. The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, by the Buddha, according to tradition.
** Charles Webster Leadbeater. Some statements of interest, etc can be found in this book: A fragment from "How Theosophy came to me", linking Pythagorean teachings, theosophy, etc.
** A Basic Esoteric Dictionary. This Dictionary is a copy of the original at the main site It has been copied instead of redirecting to it due to technical difficulties.