28 February 2021.
⚔ ↣(Bill Gates' plan to dim the Sun ➤ by spraying dust into the atmosphere ➤
The Way of Man 4.7.6
Beside light and heat we receive in the physical world from the sun the vitality globules that are necessary to organic life. These can easily be observed as tiny “golden eggs” in the intense sunlight of bright summer days. They do no penetrate the cloud-covers, and so a long absence of the sun entails the observed phenomenon of general “tiredness”. A surplus of these vitality globules can cause sunstroke.
The Way of Man 9.17.7
The matters of higher worlds manifest themselves as light and colour. Only higher selves can observe and analyse those matters. (The motion aspect of different matters manifests itself as different kinds of sound.) With each higher atomic kind, light is ever more intensive and colours are ever more exquisite. The esoterician distinguishes between involutionary colours (those of the black ones) and evolutionary colours. Involutionary colours include black, brown, grey, some shades of purple and of green. Fortunately, some pertaining problems have begun to be studied by psychologists and physicians. The colours surrounding the individual are of great importance for his physical and emotional well-being.
The Way of Man 9.17.8
Light is a quality of matter that manifests itself differently in different matters. It is one of the tasks of esoteric science to unite the different kinds of light.
The Way of Man 9.17.9
According to D.K., “technically, two light bodies exist”, the causal envelope and the etheric envelope, and they are man’s two most important envelopes.
The Way of Man 9.146.1
In the esoteric literature you frequently meet with such expressions as “time is an illusion”, “time can be eliminated”, “time does not exist”, and more such absurdities. Such incongruities are the result when you do not keep the three aspects apart. Time belongs to the matter aspect and the motion aspect, but not to the consciousness aspect. It is that simple.
The Way of Man 9.146.2
In man, only the physical brain is capable of perceiving time, noting the flight of time, though it is dependent on mechanical appliances to measure time exactly. In superphysical envelopes, it is possible to ascertain time only for those in higher kingdoms who are able to study the duration of the processes of manifestation.
The Way of Man 9.146.3
It is of course incorrect to say that there exists no time merely because you are unable to measure it. Time exists as long as the cosmos with its processes of manifestation exists.
7 March 2021.
⚔ ↣(Math professors and educators at leading American universities have taken to Twitter in order to debate whether math is racist. Some asserted that objective mathematics is rooted in “white supremacist patriarchy” and white social constructs. ➤
The Knowledge of Reality, 5.28.14
... The infallibility of mathematics, besides, is due to the fact that it is demonstrably an exact construction of axioms obtained from experience of physical reality and of the three dimensions of physical matter...
The Philosopher’s Stone, 1.30.9
The experience of material reality affords objective certainty, because that reality furnishes reason with its content of reality. Exact knowledge is impossible without experience. Even mathematics would be inconceivable without empirical axioms. Geometry is made up of spatial relations obtained through abstraction. These relations are summed up into a number of propositions, the correctness of which is proved by reference to still more basic pro-
positions, until those propositions are obtained which cannot be proved, the axioms. Lobachevsky demonstrated that geometry was not an aprioristic discipline and that the Euklidean axioms were certainly not the only true ones, by constructing a new, non-contradictory, and fully usable geometrical science. Experience affords objective certainty by
discovering laws of nature. Without experience a conception formed may be a fiction. Anyone who does not test his judgement in objective experience lacks the greatest possible certainty of the correctness of his judgement. The truths of descriptive disciplines are instances of justified objective certainty. The fact that a great portion of reality is beyond objective experience, perhaps beyond the possibility of such experience, does not in the least lessen the demand for experience as the highest possible criterion of truth. If this demand is given up, there is nothing to guarantee that what is given out as real is real.
The Philosopher’s Stone, 3.19.3
The stage of barbarism is characterized by belief (opinion), the stage of civilization by comprehension (study). Comprehension is the result of the logical process of reflection. This process need not at all result in knowledge (correct apprehension of reality). But never-resting reflection is a prerequisite of searching and of the struggle against tyranny of thought. Increased reflection brings with it the ability of abstraction, of generalization, of searching after the causes of events, of laying down rules, etc. Reflection finds patterns of thought, develops schematic methods of inference, and demands increasingly more material to work on. This marks the beginning of the long period termed sophistry, scholasticism, conceptual romance, and the rule of logic. Reason becomes sovereign, decides what is true and false, constructs philosophic systems, and comprehends “reality”. “Empiricism” did not furnish ignorance with logical certainty, and, consequently, did not really have a justification. Reality was even slighted. Mathematics demonstrated that absolute knowledge was possible. They overlooked the fact that this infallible
construction of the space and time axioms dealt with these real facts. These facts were conceived as merely constructed fictions. Facts which already existed and which were not serviceable were replaced with fictions without contact with a thing as “unreliable” as matter. If reality did not agree with the logically constructed, infallible system, then the fault was with material reality. Still many people do not see that logic cannot conjure up knowledge of the qualitative properties of matter. Constructivists of all sorts live unconcernedly in the illusory world of their fictions. Even scientists still make the mistake of compensating for missing facts by constructions. The ruling world views and life views can still be termed fictional systems.
The Way of Man, 5.15.14
As long as emotionality is powerful enough to influence us, pure mental thinking is
precluded except in the matter of purely mental problems (those of mathematics, for instance). In order to acquire mental consciousness, man must first have acquired the faculty of concentration (fixed attention) and meditation (continuous attention directed for some length of time to problems to be solved).
Knowledge of Life One, 7.14.14
To try to explain esoterics to educated people is almost a hopeless enterprise. Even more ridiculous appears the defence of the first esotericians that the teaching agreed with reality. You do not teach higher mathematics to small children nor defend mathematics against the deficient understanding of the immature.
Knowledge of Life One, 7.14.18
... Mathematics is for natural scientists but not for “humanists”...
Knowledge of Life Two, 1.11.2
Not all publicized esoteric literature suits everybody, like higher mathematics does not belong at the infant stage. It has already appeared that most students misunderstand what they believe they comprehend and spread their misinterpretations to others. Obviously we must expect that the knowledge will be more and more distorted.
Knowledge of Life Two, 9.11.1
The mistake philosophers make is that they trust in logic as if it were something infallible. It can be so only if you have sufficient facts. The same is true of mathematicians. Both logic and mathematics are methods of processing facts, not methods of discovering them. Occultists make the same mistake. They start from a material of insufficient facts, and the conclusions they draw from it must be erroneous. Only the individual who is an expert on the material is in position to judge its reliability. This expert knowledge has been absent, and only esoterics
can supply it.