Consciousness Expansion. Activation of Consciousness.
Consciousness Expansion. By Lars Adelskoh.
(What is the meaning of the Octahedron?) The sacred syllable AUM also explains the sequence and order in which the factors of consciousness activation appear, that is to say: motion, energy, comes first; then consciousness, and last the perception of forms.
This means that in every consciousness expansion - major or minor and irrespective of the natural kingdom concerned - the monad does not apprehend at once all three aspects of the new domain of reality in which it expands its consciousness, but always first the motion aspect, then the consciousness aspect, and last the matter aspect. Or to explain it somewhat differently: when the monad contacts a higher kind of reality previously unknown to it, to begin with the monad does not perceive that higher reality as consciousness at all, but only as radiant energy, vitality, stimulation. Later, often much later, the perception of these higher energy impulses is accompanied by a subjective consciousness content, that is to say: ideas. Later still, this consciousness will become objective, so that the monad then, but only then, perceives this new, higher domain of reality as a world of its own, with its own material forms, etc.
(Fundamentals of LT5) (9.4) If you really want to develop it is important always to be conscious of what you are doing, what you are thinking, feeling, saying, etc., to observe from which envelopes and which worlds those energies are coming which you use when acting. In so doing you will find it easier to control those energies and possibly use others as well. Moreover it is a necessary procedure for the activation of causal consciousness.
(Fundamentals of LT5) (9.5) Control of consciousness is control of attention and the most important factor of development.
(Fundamentals of LT5) (9.7) The method of activating a higher consciousness is to direct attention to it, for example by pondering ("meditating") on what we have been taught about it. So doing we also strengthen the power of the higher over the lower.