Christmas. Gnostic Symbols.
Knowledge of Life One. Gnostic Symbols.
(3.1.3) The entire New Testament is a compilation of these gnostic sayings. The gnostic authors of the gospels tried to popularize and in the form of novels to dramatize the gnostic symbols without betraying their true import. It must be admitted that they fashioned the symbols in a manner that evidences supreme literary talent. If these symbols are literalized, as has always been the case hitherto, then even at best their meaning is somewhat distorted.
(3.1.5) Only esotericians can interpret these symbols. The least reflection should have clarified that the gospels were no descriptions of historical events and that they do not contain the gnosis, or the knowledge of reality. It is expressly said of the disciples, “Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven” (where in the gospels are these mysteries to be found?), and of the people, “without a parable he spake not unto them”. That is what remains of the words of Jeshu. For the people of today are the same as the people of his time. What more Jeshu said is not recorded in the gospels. It is to be found in the gnostic, as yet unpublished, reports of his words. The gospels were written for the people and do not contain the “mysteries of the kingdom of heaven”, or the esoteric knowledge.
(3.1.6) Ever since Atlantis went down, the much abused knowledge of reality has been reserved for those who have acquired the right to study it. It was with very great hesitation that it was allowed for publication after the year 1875. At the conclave of the planetary hierarchy in 1775 only two 45-selves voted for the proposal, all the other members were against it. The planetary ruler decreed, however, “as these two brothers of ours have expressed their willingness themselves to bear the consequences, they should be allowed to make the attempt”. Only initiates know what it has cost them hitherto. It would not surprise if they had many times been tempted to give it up, so seemingly hopeless is the battle against hardened physicalists, emotionalists, and mentalists, so idiotized by all manner of fictions has mankind become.
(3.7.1) Christmas is that Christian festival which is appreciated by all, because it is a feast of joy, originally signifying the joy over the return of light.
(3.7.2) Christmas reminds us of the light that is always shining but which cannot be seen by those who are wandering in the darkness of ignorance. That light is the knowledge that life is divine. It is the salvation from the superstition that life is in the power of evil, is sin and crime and punishment, that superstition which makes people concentrate on what is imperfect in themselves and in others, thereby hampering their own and other people ’ s development, instead of helping one another to see just what is good. For this is the condition of the birth of Christos in the hearts of all.
(3.7.3) Christmas is a serious appeal to us to consider the responsibility that we all have for one another.
(3.7.4) Christmas is a feast of joy at which all are favourably disposed to each other. This teaches us that only those who are happy are truly good, that only they can love with the charity that comes from the world of unity. Christmas reminds us that it is our duty to our fellow human beings to be happy and help them be happy.
(3.7.5) Peace on earth can only be brought about if people work positively themselves to acquire, and to make it easier for their fellow men to acquire, what the angels in their song of praise above the manger in Bethlehem called good will: “and peace on earth to people of good will”.
(3.7.6) In the esoteric societies they celebrated Christmas in order to express gratitude for the knowledge of reality and life which they had received, for the spiritual awakening with all that it had entailed. The members were reminded that salvation was collective, that it depended on everyone of them when mankind in its entirety would be able to realize the kingdom of god on earth. This is the task of men and not of higher beings. They gathered to receive that blessing which through Maitreya’s enormous resources of power is poured out over the earth to a greater extent than usual just on that occasion, when the minds of men are easy of approach by the essential influence. Also that host of billions of devas who have their work located among mankind, watch over us and help us, long to have this additional stimulation by stupendous forces that passes most people by almost without notice.
(3.7.7) To better understand what is meant by the “outpouring of the spirit” on the physical, emotional, and mental worlds, one should perhaps also know something about the material aspect of this phenomenon.
(3.7.8) Everything is life. And all life is an indivisible unity of matter, power, and consciousness. None of these three aspects of life can exist without the other two. Power, vibrations thus are matter: emotional matter, mental matter, essential matter, etc.
(3.7.9) That faith (like a grain of mustard seed) which Maitreya said could move mountains is an essential atom with the immense power and consciousness of the essential world. Incorporated with the individual’s envelope, it could very well make such a manifestation of power possible. There is no exaggeration in Maitreya’s message, which mostly passed the comprehension of the majority of his hearers and will do so the next time too.
(3.7.10) Thus the outpouring of the spirit consists in a veritable rain of essential atoms, which pour through the bodies of all people. However, just those in whom the essential consciousness can be aroused at least momentarily are able to perceive something of its bliss.