Teachings of Pythagoras. Hylozoics.

Life View and World View. Some student's notes.

The seven fundamental types

2016-11-11 by AR, tagged as hylozoics

Knowledge of Reality

(2.5.1) The monads are introduced into the cosmos from chaos via one or another of the seven highest cosmic worlds. This sets a certain stamp on them from the beginning, so that seven types of monads can be distinguished.

(2.5.2) The first three types of the septenary series are the most pronounced expressions of the three aspects. The first type is the extreme force type (the motion aspect); the second type represents the consciousness aspect; and the third type, the matter aspect. The other four are differentiations of the first three in more composed matter.

(2.5.3) Types 1, 3, 5, 7 are rather expressive of the objective side of existence; types 2, 4, 6, of its subjective side.

(2.5.4) In each lower cosmic kingdom (septenary series of atomic worlds), the types undergo the modifications conditioned by the material composition. The types thus prove different in different worlds. The difference is especially great between types in the atomic and in the molecular worlds, even though something will remain of what is characteristic of the original types.

(2.5.5) Thus the question is whether the most expedient numeration of the cosmic worlds would not be according to the principle of analogous septenaries, with worlds 1–7 being designated by 11–17, worlds 8–14 by 21–27, worlds 15–21 by 31–37, etc., and worlds 43–49 by 71–77. World and department would then coincide so that one would always know to which departments the different worlds belonged.

(2.5.6) Most generally, it can be said that the types are determined by the possibility of the three aspects of making themselves felt in different kinds of matter. Each atomic kind the most easily expresses one aspect of the three. The result is that each atomic kind affords the possibility to develop qualities and abilities of certain kinds.

(2.5.7) It is true that from the beginning the monads are of certain types. But in the course of evolution, the individual is given opportunities to acquire in his different envelopes the qualities of all the types in order to develop the requisite all-roundness. He also has an opportunity to decide himself which type he finally prefers to represent. Until then he will in the cosmos have been identifying his consciousness with the different kinds of collective type consciousness of the respective worlds.

(2.5.8) The division into types works thoroughly, in many ways and in innumerable kinds of combinations. Strange as it may seem, every solar system, every planet, every aggregate expresses one of the seven types especially. Every individual belongs to one, every one of man’s envelopes can be of a different type.

(2.5.9) Individual character also makes itself felt, so that every individual, despite his type, is unique, which fact conduces to greater understanding and makes cosmic unity more fully vibrant.